Thursday, January 3, 2008

Greeting for the new Year

    Alright People, it has been awhile and it has been a good year, so let make this one an even better one. Let try to be a little more Generous, a little more loving, more Cautious, and more Tolerant. I would like to ask that 
    1. The American family to extent our embrace and spread the love and warmth, to our Muslim Brothers and Sisters globally, they need our help more then ever. We need to understand that the American troops are over there fighting Terrorist and not Muslims, These Terrorist have hijacked Islam as though they have hijacked an airplane, bus, or train. They do the work of Iblis/Satan, and left unchecked they will obliterate every thing in their path. These Ungodly Terrorist already know that they are headed to Hell on a rocket powered bus. So they are hellbent on destroying, oppressing, and subjugating all of the true lovers of Gods/Allah's/YHWH/ or what you call it in any other language. 
    2. That the American family take the time this year to read at least the Qur'an, the Sunnah, and the hadiths so they can better understand that a true Muslim does not hate or see the American as an infidel (well maybe some us, I know a few Kats personally that can fit this bill.) nor do they wish our destruction and the destruction of Israel. In the Qur'an, if read, you will see that Muslim, Jews, and Christians are considered "The People of the Book" and are seen most favorable in the eyes of Allah and pretty are one and the same. Meaning, no distinguishing deference despite the practice. Even followers of other non Abrahamic faiths are seen as friends, Believers, and Righteous and are favored in Allah's eyes. So, pick up a Qur'an and share your thoughts with your Muslim Brother or Sister or go see an Imam / Priest. 
    3. For our Muslim family here and abroad, to not be ashamed by the acts of these fools on any shore who use you for ill gotten gain and the fool on any shore who blame you for acts you have not done. Share with your peers your faith, culture, and your thoughts. This is the only way to oppose the grip of terror. Do not believe that all Americans think ill of your ways and custom, the majority of us believe and come from a belief in a few of our "American ways of life" called the freedom of religion, the right to express, or freedom of speech. Many of us pretty much try to keep to ourselves and do what is right just like the average citizen world wide. But unfortunately we can get caught up in our daily rut and forget to extent the warmth, the kindness, and the love to our extended Family and for this I Apologize. So my Muslim Brothers and Sisters, Let the wisdom of Allah be your measuring stick when gauging Us and be patient, we'll come around.

1 comment:

M. Rasheed said...

YABB GOD where are you??? Are you okay?

I need you to come to fill this out:

Real Name: ('Unrevealed' is acceptable if you don't want to say)
Place of birth:
Base of Operations:
Marital status:
Known relatives:

And send me a picture.

So you can have an entry in The Official Handbook of the HEROTALK Universe.

Be quick!