Friday, September 7, 2007

BET (Black Exploitation Televison)

Is it me or is BET sucking like a 10 dollar whore opting out for your child’s day old leftover happy meal fries.

Take the cake
We have to do better
Hell Date

All four of these shows are weak as hell, dryer then a white man dipped in lemon juice setting in the Sahara desert. And what’s with DL’s eyebrows, did he not have them in the television show he had. What is he officially Down Low Hughgley, and Charlie Murphy with the Jim bucking; can some body tell him his eyes are too Bettie to bug, bettie eyed people are suppose to drop them to be taken serious, otherwise it looks crazy, and the Sista on take the cake, who sound like she’s been kicked in the groin, she’s a no no, and speaking of Fly; what’s with 106 and park, the sista is flat out bunk and very uninteresting and the brother is as cutie as he wants to be; and not for his own good neither. What the hell is Hudlin doing better then before, is this, the new face of Blackness. But Tv One is no different . N!@@a, s, you have to do better.

Ebay Esmay Buyer beware.

I’m in the market for a few things, just asking around on some good prices for Musical instruments, software, and such, but a lot of people are telling me to hit up ebay. So I go there and blam, the prices are terrible, $50 off is not a good deal and some of the stuff is based on the msrtp markup, even for old stuff. I mean, if I’m spending on a $1000 plus item, 40 – 50% is good; I’ve found cheaper deals on Craig’s list. Hell, you can get just about anything in California and with a good deal. So do that research folks, because ebay in a con waiting to happen.