Sunday, July 19, 2009

To the Atheist and Agnostics:

My responds to the Agnostic and the Atheist family: These two group usually ponder the question that.” if God is all good and love, why does He, She, They, or It allow so much suffering, death, and evil?” Well I think I can clear this up. It’s simple, God does not allow anything, it is man that has spread, caused, and allowed all of this hell on earth. We are responsible for so much hell, that Satan, now has a free pass into heaven. So Let Us not blame the Most high for Our own short comings. We were made Good with the Gifts of Life, to have Dominion (Mastery), Free Will, and Knowledge to name a few. This is like blaming ones parents, at 25 years of age, for not wiping our ass after sh!ting on ourselves. God only allows Us to backslide, backtalk, back out of covenants, and even not to believe and still question everything (without being struck down on the spot) So, it is man who needs to man up and accept, no, take responsibility for his existence. So my Atheist and Agnostic family, stop your futile attempts at trying to prove that God does not exist, you sound silly trying to prove to a believer in God why they should stop believe in something you do not believe in. You can only convince them why you do not believe.