Sunday, August 26, 2007

Some of My top 20 number one Hits:

1. Dune. (All time Favorite)
2. Blade Runner.
3. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes.
4. Brotherhood of the Wolf.
5. Equilibrium.
6. Fahrenheit 451. (not the Michael Moore one )
7. The H-Man.
8. V for Vendetta.
9. Planets against Us.
10. The Agent from H.A.R.M
11. The Monitors.
12. Demon Seed.
13. Phase 4.
14. Alphaville.
15. Colossus the Forbin Project.
16. The 4D Man.
17. The Omega Man.
18. Fail Safe.
19. Roller Ball. (Not the New)
20. The Prince of Darkness.

1 comment:

D Knighton said...

A must have list for all movie enthusiast.